Focus in research and teaching

The research areas of the members of the department cover the history of architecture from antiquity to the present day in Europe and beyond. This is reflected not only in the wide-ranging teaching, but also in a large number of different research projects and collaborations with academic institutions at an international level. Students are also offered the opportunity to participate in these research projects - in the spirit of active "research in teaching". This allows them to gain an insight into scientific work during their studies, from complex literature research and field research to analysing and publishing their work.


Documentation - Evaluation - Education

Located in the heart of the World Heritage Site "Historic City Centre of Vienna", the research area History of Architecture :: Building Archaeology deals with the various epochs of Austrian architectural history. In addition to the influences of the Danube Monarchy, which extends far beyond Austria's current political borders, architecture in Austria is scientifically documented and examined as sub-areas of Austrian building history - with changing thematic focuses - from medieval churches and fortifications to rural house research and wine architecture through to 21st century student accommodation. By valorising and communicating the architectural heritage, a contribution is made to the preservation and maintenance of the Austrian architectural and cultural landscape.


Material - Construction - Logistics

In addition to the consideration of construction and materials as well as the manufacturing and construction processes, the focus of the investigations here is on the inclusion of architectural and organisational aspects such as building typologies, design principles and functional contexts, as well as construction processes and construction site logistics. Only when viewed together do they provide the necessary insights into overall contexts and mechanisms of action in architectural creation. By synthesising the results from building surveys, literature, structural understanding and, not least, experimental investigations, the genesis of historical buildings can be traced along a path that is as practice-oriented as possible.


Architecture - Identity - Evolution

The focus is on the diversity of perspectives, going far beyond a historical-chronological outline. In this sense, technological and socio-cultural aspects and their influence on architectural developments over the course of time are explored. Direct contact with different building cultures is established through excursions, making the theoretical discourse directly tangible in practice. The focus is not only on architecture as a cultural heritage, but also sees it as an expression of political tendencies and a carrier of identity. The transformation of cultural landscapes is explored by looking at both representative buildings and vernacular architecture. Responding appropriately to the consequences for architecture and (settlement) landscape is a responsible research topic.


Analysis - Processes - Integration

The basis for any work in a historical context is a holistic survey of the property and its surroundings through documentation and on-site analyses. In addition to applying the various methods of building survey, from manual measurement to high-tech, we are continuously working on the further development of processes based on first-hand experience. The aim is to integrate the individual tools into a comprehensive documentation scheme as a basis for further scientific research as well as solution-orientated and inventory-compliant work in the field of monument conservation and building restoration. The integration of the building survey into the teaching programme allows students direct access to the object and a direct examination of the historical substance.